Not Sure You Need a Redesign? Check-List
If you run any kind of business in today’s world of technology, then one of the major aspects of your business’ success is having a good website. If you are still hanging onto a website you had built many years ago, then you are missing a lot new things happening or taking place in the modern world. What you need is a modern well-built website that will keep your business at par with your competitors. You need a major website redesign, which will boost traffic to your website. This might seem like a daunting task but it is not.
How Do You Know When Your Website Needs Redesigning?
The factors listed below will definitely be a sign that you need to revamp your website. These are:
1. When Your Website Is Not SEO Friendly (SEF)
Your website needs to an audience and the only way this is possible is by having good, quality content. You need SEO friendly content to improve your website search rankings. With very poor SEO friendly content, your website will get very little traffic or none at all. You need the right target keywords for this to happen and your website needs a complete redesign to give it a better structure for Google approval.
2. Your Website Looks Unappealing
Old websites look very cluttered as compared to modern ones. Very few people will click on a website that does not look appealing to them. You need redesigning to make your website look tidy and to reflect well on your business. A professional looking site attracts more traffic and people to build trust in whatever brand you sell.
3. Your Website's Loading Speed Is Too Slow
Every website needs to attract searches. This is almost impossible if speed is very low. High website loading speed is essential for more clicks. An outdated website will most definitely be much slower than a modern one and that may lose you traffic. Redesigning improves the speed bringing back searches, more clicks and better rankings.
4. Your Website Is Not Mobile Friendly
Too many people rely on their mobile phones nowadays for information. If the search for your website does not come up in mobile phones, then you know you need a redesign to integrate it well with the desktops and any other devices. This is another way of ensuring you get more clicks on your website.
5. Your Website Color Scheme Is Unpleasant
Too many colors on your website will drive away traffic. If you have not changed the color scheme of your website since you had it built, then it is time to redesign the colors. Be simple and go for color schemes that are not distracting and that give your brand better recognition. Make the website look as aesthetically attractive as possible.
6. Your Website Is Not Yielding The Expected Results
How well is your website conversion rates? If they are low and clicks to the site do not yield the expected results, then fast action needs to take place. Redesign your website so your products can yield more results and change the conversion rates from low to high.
7. You Are Using The Same Old Platforms To Host Your Website
If you are using the same domain you have used since the inception of your website, you might consider changing to new one for better and faster services. You however need to do a thorough background check when migrating. This gives you the assurance that the new domain platform you choose second time around is the best for hosting your website. Check the backlink profiles of your previous domain and before redesigning check them with the backlink profiles of the new domain. Redesigning to host your website with a new and modern domain is one sure way to sell more and drive traffic to your website.
8. You Have Made Business Changes But Not Changed The Website
At times, you might relocate or change directions or add some new products to your brand. If you do not change your website with your new changes, then there is a likelihood of not reaching out to a new audience. Redesign the website to accommodate all the changes made and gain new and more audience to the site.
When you are changing the website to go with the new, remember to update every single old content you have. Do not delete the content but find ways of improving it. This is necessary for anyone looking for links from the past. Find the best keywords to improve on the old content and increase your traffic. After all tuning-up the old content is easier than writing new content all over again.
You do not really need an expert to tell you when your website has gone bad. You will see all the signs like slow loading, poor navigation, poor reflection on the brand, website not loading on mobile devices, old domain not keeping up with the new technology and many others. You need your website to get traffic and to sell your brand. It is an important asset to your business and cannot go ignored. Redesigning helps to attract leads and these leads eventually convert into willing customers.