Pitfalls and Traps #3
If choose to host with a local web company, make sure you've got your back-end covered with a contract (oh contracts, here we go again...).
Pitfalls and Traps #3
One that covers what is to be expected from the service as well as a back way out encase something goes south or if the company were to go out of business. Also, ask a bit about where the server is physically located, their up-time (time your site is expected functional in a given month) and what happens in the event of their absence (what if they were hit by a bus walking to work?). The other option is to simply be hosted off their servers and pay a hosting company directly for their service instead, such as Godaddy's hosting. Either way, if you have a contract or choose to be hosted off-site, you maintain control over what happens or will happen to your site.